The digital training record books (MarinePALS) for the GlobalMET Deck and Engine Cadet Structured Shipboard Training Programme (SSTP) have been approved by Indian Maritime University (IMU) and Directorate General of Shipping, Government of India.

GlobalMET has tapped into a wealth of experienced maritime educators as well as sailing seafarers to make its own Structured Shipboard Training Program (SSTP) which can be used by officer and engineer cadets for undergoing training.
This consists of various videos, text, material as well as Cadet Record Books (CRB).
• In 2011, GlobalMET made a presentation at the IMO on the GlobalMET Cadet Record Book (CRB). The GlobalMET CRB which forms a part of the GlobalMET Structured Shipboard Training program (SSTP) enables new Deck cadets and Trainee engineers to undergo a structured training program on board ships.
• The GlobalMET SSTP is approved by a number of flag states and is currently used by many shipping companies as well as maritime training academies.
• It can be used in its original book version as well as a digitized version.
MarinePALS and Anglo-Eastern Ship Management Ltd. have developed PALS (Proficiency and Learning System) platform which essentially is a webbased portal with an off-line version available on a tablet. It replicates deck and engine cadet record books and provides the learning material corresponding to each task.
GlobalMET is an association registered in Hong Kong, with consultative status at the IMO, carrying out activities and research in the field of maritime training and education.
The establishment of GlobalMET arose from the participants’ desire to support the aims and objectives of IMO for ‘safer ships and cleaner oceans’ and recognition of:
•The vital importance of maritime education and training in fulfilling the needs of expanding trade and economic growth
•The urgent need for collective efforts in maritime education and training to promote greater safety at sea and protection of the marine environment.